Saturday, September 29, 2012

Trusting Your Instincts

You have often heard the phrase “Trust your instincts.”  Teachers tell their students this before exams and they also add “Don’t second guess yourself.”

What does this mean and why is it good advice?  Isn’t it better to ponder a question instead of immediately answering it?  No, it isn’t – in most cases.  When we respond to situations from “instinct” we respond from our natural spiritual essence that already has access to universal knowledge and compassionate wisdom.  The response will be well grounded and appropriate for the situation.  It will be for the higher good of all who are involved.

Conversely, when we respond from habit, or based in previous behavioral patterns, we are coming from a place fraught with emotional overlay that blinds us to the reality of the situation and the reality of those involved.

Human behavioral patterns are incorrectly labeled “instinct” because they are often based in the ancient “flight or fight” response.  But this response is a physical response that originated from our early evolutionary period.  When we look at the extreme violence and cruelty in every part of the world today, we see the effect of this reptilian response.

The change in the vibrational rate of the planet, as a result of constant planetary movement in the galaxy, has caused an unsettled feeling in our physical bodies.  The vast majority of people do not understand why they feel unsettled but it triggers a sense of fear, a guardedness to protect who they think they are.  They have joined other equally fearful minds in groups, bands, gangs, political parties, societies, etc. to “defend” their view of life and behavioral patterns.  They have “circled the wagons” around themselves to fight off some yet undefined threat call “change.”  As a human species, we seem to be moving back into the dark ages instead of moving toward a stronger period of enlightenment.

The reality is however, that our physical body is not our essence.  If we are going to go back to our most foundational and original self, then we must connect with the universal energy – that which defines us, that which caused us to be able to breathe, that which lives long after the body has decayed and been replaced.  Every one of us is not just connected to this universal energy that always has been and ever will be, but we are a part of it.

Visualize if you will, the moment of the big bang that started the physical development of the universe.  There was one bundle of energy that exploded and threw its particles into the 10 directions.  The particles were not cleanly separated, they remained connected through a thin line not unlike a complex web we call the internet.  But every “spirit” (for lack of a better word) is connected, (not just those that can financially afford it.)

This vibrational energetic connection is who we are.  We are the essence of the universe.  Every one of us is connected and we are all the same, exploded out of the same source.  Not as siblings but as part of the whole and equal in every way because there is no distinction.

It is only the protective shell that we have adopted in order to function in this vibration plane that sees distinctions – and these are false distinctions – colored by fear, greed, desire, ego, and most critically, lack of true self identity.

If we understand and live our physical lives from our “true self” there would be no wars, no terrorism, no bickering over what is mine and what is yours, no question of how the physical resources of the world should be divided and utilized.  Like water, these resources would flow to the low spots from places of abundance and equalize out.  The difference is a raging sea with high waves and deep valleys that can and does trigger devastation versus a calm flat peaceful sea that invites all to fish and play together in the warmth of the sun.

So the next time you need to make a decision or respond to something – trust your true instinct.  Don’t just repeat dysfunctional human behavioral patterns.  Use the network of compassionate intelligence that is heart based not fear based and ego driven.  Don’t second guess yourself into a lower level solution.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In Memory of those who died on 9/11/01

Many spirits transitioned on this day 11 years ago.  It was a day that the nation and the world stood still in utter shock and pain.  Today, I honor the memory of the 2,973 victims, of men, women and little children of all ages, color, religions, and nationals from over 90 countries, who died that fateful day.

The act of terror was probably designed to strike terror into our hearts and cause chaos instead it brought the best out in us as we came together to console and heal as a nation.  For a brief period, we put aside our superficial differences and behaved with love and compassion towards, our neighbors, friends and family.  We became more tolerant of others differences (unless they were Islamic.)

How we have forgotten the lessons learned of 11 years ago.  Today our nation is a battlefield of our own making.  Far too many people with extreme views on both sides are driving the middle views into silence.  The compassion has been replaced by hateful lunacy.  Closed ears and even more closed hearts exist today, what happened?  We managed to do to ourselves what terrorists could not do – divide us and cause chaos.

We are no longer a democratic society where every voice and every vote counts.  Now only the most selfish and hard hearted rich who desire only to protect and grow their own stockpile of money have a voice.    They control the airwaves but they need not control our vote.  

We need to find a way to return centrists to the halls of governance.  We need to bring people into government who are willing to honestly work together to help each other and every one of us be successful and healthy.  The people who lost their lives on 9/11 were just ordinary people – like our own families.  Can we use their memory and the memory of what it was like to be a nation and family to close the schism between us?  Use the memory to pull us back from the extreme fringes into a common middle ground where we can once again value each other and honestly work together to solve the nation’s problems.

History tells us that all great nations eventually peter out and become obsolete.  We have not been conquered from outside but are imploding from within.  The incendiary devices used are selfishness, intolerance, greed, materialism, elevated sense of superiority, ego, hopelessness, disillusionment and fear.  We must reach out to help others up, not step on them to keep ourselves falsely elevated.

The values must change from the greed of purchasing the second, third and fourth homes when others have none; from spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on cars- when others have no legs and no chance of obtaining substitutes; from hiding millions in offshore accounts to avoid sharing a mere fraction of one percent of the wealth with those that need it most. 

Let us all vow, right now, today, on the most sacred of days – to change our behavior, change our hearts, change our minds away from glorifying ME and MINE to raising up and helping the nation as US; for we truly are all in this together.

Namaste to those that passed out of this world on 9/11.  Namaste to those left behind.
(Namaste means “I honor the light within you.”)